The food production facility of the Ural State Economic University became the winner of the regional review contest "The best catering for students of educational institutions of higher education in the Sverdlovsk region in the academic year 2018–2019."

The competition was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Sverdlovsk Region in February 2019 and ended in May. During this time, a special commission from the Ministry visited catering facilities and canteens of many universities in the region. In addition to the quality of production and compliance with all required standards, they also appreciated the interior and cleanliness of the dining room at USUE. As a result of the competition, the university was given a diploma and a cup for II place.

“We are very pleased that our work is appreciated. To work in a food production facility means to comply with all sanitary standards, comply with labor protection requirements, job descriptions, we need to know physics, chemistry and much more, from the receipt of raw materials to the release of finished products. This is a very big responsibility! It is important for us to feed students not only tasty, but also healthy. Drinks and dishes with spices that support the immune system (ginger rodot, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, citrus zest), fresh and dried berries and fruits were developed and introduced into production in all divisions of the food factory. Fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts are also introduced on the menu in portions.

The food production facility of the Ural State Economic University became the winner of the regional review contest "The best catering for students of educational institutions of higher education in the Sverdlovsk region in the academic year 2018–2019."

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