Poultry meat - a source of protein and a subject of research

In November, Nikolai Belyaev, senior lecturer at the USUE Department of Merchandizing and Goods Expertise, was conferred an academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences  (his dissertation advisor was Lyudmila Donskova,  associate professor at  the USUE Department of Merchandizing and Goods Expertise, Ph.D. in Agriculture). The dissertation of the young scientist “Improving the assortment of poultry products based on the commodity and technological approach” is the result of market research, the algorithm and willingness of producers and sellers to improve the assortment of poultry meat products.    


In his work, the scientist presented the original schemes for broiler chickens dressing: “country” and “French dressing”. To expand the range of natural semi-finished products of poultry meat, he also developed a formula, production technology and quality assessment of a poultry paste using vegetable powder of beetroot. 

After successfully defending his dissertation, Nikolai Belyaev plans to compete for grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) to continue his research in this area, which may result in writing a doctoral dissertation. 

In November, Nikolai Belyaev, senior lecturer at the USUE Department of Merchandizing and Goods Expertise, was conferred an academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (his dissertation advisor was Lyudmila Donskova, associate professor at the USUE Department of Merchandizing and Goods Expertise, Ph.D. in Agriculture).

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