USUE Department of Accounting and Auditing runs 1C Certified Training Center

The Department of Accounting and Auditing is the Certified Training Center of 1C Company and an active participant in the "Courses of the Leading Software Manufacturers to Leading Universities". The department trains new personnel for the economy based on 1C technological solutions. USUE has an agreement with 1C Company on the use of software products in higher educational institutions.


Cooperation with 1C Company

The agreement on cooperation with 1C Company was signed by the Department of Accounting and Auditing in January 2003. Later, a number of contracts and agreements were signed, giving the University many different benefits and opportunities for high-quality training of young specialists.

As part of the agreement, the Department of Accounting and Auditing uses commercial versions of the software products "1 C: Enterprise 8". USUE monthly receives a free update of software from 1C Company, due to which the students are trained through programs in which accounting, tax, management and international accounting is conducted in strict accordance with Russian legislation.

To increase the competitiveness of students and their relevance in the modern labor market, the department concluded a contract with 1C Company for USUE students taking the certification test "1 C: Professional " at the University. The "1 C: Professional” certificate is issued by 1C to those students who successfully passed the test.

The certificate confirms the high level of knowledge of its owner and is highly appreciated by employers. To date, 36 students majoring in Accounting, Analysis and Audit have certificates "1 C: Professional" for software products "1C: Accounting 8" and "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8".

Certified Training Center

Since September 2010, the department runs the Certified Training Center of 1C Company. It conducts classes in "Introduction to configuration in the system ‘1C: Enterprise 8’. Major objects. Version 8.3 " and “1С: Enterprise 8". Use of “Enterprise Accounting" configuration (user modes) ed.3.0."

At the Certified Training Center, which operates at the Department of Accounting and Auditing, the classes are conducted by certified specialists who had been trained at 1C Company and successfully passed the exam for the right to teach. After the courses, all students who have coped with the tasks receive a 1C certificate.

Course name "Introduction to configuration in the system "1C: Enterprise 8"

Within this course, trainees become acquainted with the major objects of the "1 C: Enterprise 8" system: directories, lists, documents, data and accumulation registers, and reports. They learn to create a configuration from scratch and fill it with the objects listed above.

Over the past few years, the students majoring in Accounting, Analysis and Audit at USUE represent Yekaterinburg at the National Professional Competition on "1 C: Accounting 8" program for students of higher and secondary vocational education held  in Moscow and organized by 1C Company  and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. We would like to note that USUE students traditionally place high.

Cooperation with Prime-1C-Yekaterinburg

The Department of Accounting and Auditing has long been actively cooperating with the Prime-1C-Yekaterinburg company.

Ural State University of Economics has become the base for the national professional competition in "1C: Accounting 8". Annually the students of the Department of Accounting and Auditing take part in the national 1C: Career Day.

Employees of Prime-1C-Yekaterinburg headed by its director Galina Frolova support the activities conducted by the Department of Accounting and Auditing aimed at improving the level and quality of students' knowledge of software accounting products.

With the company active participation and sponsorship, the department annually holds an interuniversity Olympiad on accounting timed to the Accountant’s Day in Russia. Prime-1C-Yekaterinburg staff actively participates in the events of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum as organizers of competitions, moderators, jury members, and deliver reports at the international scientific and practical conferences held by the Department of Accounting and Auditing.

The Department conducts the following 1C certified courses:

  1. Introduction to the configuration in the system "1C: Enterprise 8". Major objects (duration 32 hours).
  2. Maintenance of bookkeeping, tax and international accounting in the program "Enterprise Accounting 8" ed. 3.0" (duration 72 hours).

For each trainee, 1C Company purchases instructional aids, which, after the completion of the courses, remain with the course participants. At the end, the trainees are awarded 1C and USUE certificates of completion.

Authorized certified courses of "1C" Company (certified trainer - associate professor T. Shitova):

  1. Maintenance of bookkeeping and tax accounting in the program "Accounting for a state-funded entity" (duration 72 hours).
  2. Maintenance of accounting records in the program "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" (duration 32 hours).
  3. Maintenance of personnel records in the program "1 C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" (duration 20 hours).
  4. Maintenance of accounting records in the program “Payroll and HR Management 8". (duration 32 hours)
  5. Maintenance of bookkeeping, tax and international accounting in the program "1C: Management of Manufacturing Enterprise 8" (duration 72 hours).

1C courses for high-school students. Certified courses of 1C Company

1C Company recommends arranging groups of no more than 10 people

  1. Fundamentals of programming in "1 C: Enterprise 8". Duration of training: 2 years.
  2. Algorithms and Olympiad programming. Duration of training: 2 years.
  3. Fundamentals of JAVA programming. Duration of training: 2 years.
  4. System administration. Duration of training: 1 year.
  5. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in computer science. Duration of training: 1 year.

For each trainee, 1C Company purchases instructional aids, which, after the completion of the courses, remain with the high-school students. After training, student are awarded 1C certificates of completion.

The Department of Accounting and Auditing is the Certified Training Center of 1C Company and an active participant in the "Courses of the Leading Software Manufacturers to Leading Universities". The department trains new personnel for the economy based on 1C technological solutions. USUE has an agreement with 1C Company on the use of software products in higher educational institutions.

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