Ambassadors of diplomatic missions today gave non-standard lectures for USUE International students. Forum's special guests had friendly conversations with students from Asia and Africa. The lectures reminded the presentation of the member countries of the X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

For instance, Alba Azucena Torres, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Nicaragua in the Russian Federation, told about pecularities of the tourism sector in her country, where ecotourism is in high demand. The speaker stressed that the largest country in Central America, Nicaragua, provides countless opportunities for climbing active and extinct volcanoes. Among popular tourism activities are rafting, canoeing, surfing, sport fishing, mountain biking.The Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cameroon, the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, the Gabonese Republic, the Republic of Sierra Leone, the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of Benin met students from Africa. They reminded students of the need of successful studies in order to be able to take a worthy place in life. Diplomats gave examples from their student life, saying that the education they received helped them find a decent job and have a good life.

Ambassadors of diplomatic missions today gave non-standard lectures for USUE International students. Forum's special guests had friendly conversations with students from Asia and Africa. The lectures reminded the presentation of the member countries of the X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

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