Eurasian integration is on the agenda

SUE Rector Yakov Silin takes part in the X International Forum “Eurasian Economic Perspective” in St. Petersburg.

In 2022, they dedicated the forum to the development of Eurasian integration in the new economic reality. The discussion covers six thematic sessions devoted to various issues of the strategic development of Greater Eurasia.

According to the USUE rector Prof. Yakov Silin, the topic of the forum intersects with the name of the upcoming XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum to be held at USUE from April 24 to April 27, 2023. This suggests that the processes taking place in the global economic and political space are of concern to all social and age groups.

Industrial cooperation and technology transfer, energy security, digitalization, technical regulation of the market and customs system and the development of EAEU institutions - these and many other issues require rethinking in the face of new challenges facing Russia and its partners in Eurasian integration. 

Sohail Khan, deputy SCO Secretary-General, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. He noted that the changes taking place in the world were a chance for further strengthening and development of cooperation mechanisms on the continent, and called on representatives of various states to strengthen existing ties.

During the plenary session of the forum, “Greater Eurasian Partnership: its state and development prospects. Results of a turbulent year,” USUE rector Yakov Silin noted: “We allowed ourselves to be slow in dialogue with our external partners. If this continues, they will find other options for cooperation apart from Russia. and they have already found. Therefore, such platforms that allow you to quickly ‘synchronize watches’ are extremely important.”

Director of the Center for Geopolitical Expertise of the RANEPA North-West Institute, Igor Kefeli, noted that the structure of international politics was moving from a state of a unipolar world to a multipolar one. This means that the stabilization of the Eurasian space requires the collective work of many regional centers, one of which undoubtedly is Russia.

Prof. Igor Maksimtsev, rector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, presented an analytical report, the systematic calculations of which once again confirmed an important role of education in shaping interethnic relations.

SUE Rector Yakov Silin takes part in the X International Forum “Eurasian Economic Perspective” in St. Petersburg

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