USUE rector Yakov Silin took part in a joint meeting Of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (UN RAS) and the Free economic society of Russia (WEO of Russia) on the topic: "Drivers of economic growth: human capital, science, and technology".

The meeting was attended by leading scientists and experts, representatives of the real sector of the economy, government agencies and public organizations. The moderators were leading figures: Sergei Glazyev, Vice-President of VEO of Russia, head of the Investment Committee of VEO of Russia, member of coordination Council of International Union of economists, member of the Board (Minister) for integration and macroeconomics of the Eurasian economic Commission, RAS academician, RANS academician, doctor of Economics, Professor, and Andrei Smirnov, academician – Secretary of the Department of social Sciences, Director of Institute of philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences and academician Sergey Bodrunov  – President of the Russian VEO, President of the International Union of economists, Director of the Witte Institute for new industrial development

The participants of the meeting analyzed the economic realities in terms of implementing the goals and objectives of the national agenda. 

We would like to add that this year USUE hosted a high-level economic forum "Ural-a driver of neo-industrial and innovative development of Russia". The participants of the event agreed that the scientists of the Urals are in the trend of economic innovations. Participants listened to a lecture by Russian VEO President Sergey Bodrunov on the formation of a second-generation neo-industrial society, as well as a number of round tables devoted to the problems of enterprises in the context of neo-industrial development. The forum is attended by researchers and teachers from leading Russian and foreign universities, managers of the largest machine-building enterprises in the Urals, representatives of government authorities, and experts. It is important to note that USUE has set a benchmark for training personnel for the digital economy, which is one of the priority areas for the development of the region's economy.?

USUE rector Yakov Silin took part in a joint meeting Of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (UN RAS) and the Free economic society of Russia (WEO of Russia) on the topic: "Drivers of economic growth: human capital, science, and technology".

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