The focus is on cooperation

Today, USUE Rector Yakov Silin took part in the 5th Eurasian Business Forum “Integration”, which was held in Moscow.

The forum speakers are members of the Eurasian Economic Commission, heads of public authorities of the Russian Federation, representatives of business communities, as well as members of the Council of Eurasian Economic Commission and representatives of other friendly states. The plenary session of the forum was traditionally moderated by Sergei Glazyev, Member of the Board–Minister in charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

As part of the forum program, experts discussed key areas of Russian-Chinese cooperation, digitalization in both civilian and military sectors, introduction of green technologies, energy security, and technological sovereignty of the participating countries.

The Eurasian Business Forum “Integration” has been held annually since 2019 and is an international platform for discussing current problems and prospects for industrial and economic cooperation, as well as the development of interaction between entrepreneurs in the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) and friendly countries. The key aim of the forum is the upgrowth of business relations between enterprises of the EAEU member states.

Yakov Silin took part in the 5th Eurasian Business Forum “Integration”

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