A regional branch of VEO appeared in the Ural

November 29, at Ural State University of Economics  the composition of the Ural branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia (VEO) has been approved. The USUE Rector Yakov Silin was elected the president of the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia and the post of vice-president was taken by Andrei Bessedin, head of the Ural Chamber of Commerce. On the branch are representatives of authorities from the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions.

"The board will meet once a year, if there are any urgent matters - quarterly or semiannually. This is the practice in other regions and on the federal level," Yakov Silin said.

The constituent conference was attended by 92 participants. They elected the board, the president and vice-president, and revision commission and approved the charter.

Vice-president, director of the Free Economic Society of Russia Margarita Ratnikova noted that to date, the VEO has 65 regional organizations and 24 of them are leaders. "We expect that the Ural branch will again become one of the leaders. Ural is the most advanced region, it has enormous potential, which we will also do our best to develop," she added.

For reference:

The purpose of the regional branch of the VEO of Russia is to use the potential of its members for the development and strengthening of the economy of the Ural regions, all sectors of the national economy, and the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex.

The main tasks of the Organization will be:

- Promoting the development of creative activity of economists, scientific and technical workers, other professionals and students;

- Assistance in the development of organizations of various ownerships;

- Assistance in the practical implementation of fundamental research results of economists aimed at developing and strengthening the country and regions;

- Expansion of public international relations and foreign economic activity;

- Promotion to the development of youth creativity;

- Assistance in developing the intellectual potential of the country and regions, improving the quality of human capital;

- Dissemination of scientific knowledge and conducting educational and educational work, etc.

Organization within its competence intends to cooperate with all interested commercial, public and scientific organizations, legislative and executive authorities, foreign and international organizations and other legal entities and individuals. 

November 29, at Ural State University of Economics the composition of the Ural branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia (VEO) has been approved. The USUE Rector Yakov Silin was elected the president of the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia and the post of vice-president was taken by Andrei Bessedin, head of the Ural Chamber of Commerce. On the branch are representatives of authorities from the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions.

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