At the meeting of the Institute of Man, they discussed contradictions between public and individual

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (ENIICH). The topic of the meeting was a reflection of one of the acute problems of the modern world and gathered outstanding scientists to solve the contradiction between individual and social concepts of man’s self: Two concepts of man’s self - individualistic and collectivist - serve as the basis for different interpretations of the same political, economic and moral problems. How do these contradictions manifest themselves in the daily life of society?  

The meeting was opened by the USUE Rector Yakov Silin. He spoke about the experience of the clash of public and personal interests on the example of applicants: in choosing a future profession young people increasingly take into account not public but personal interests.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ENIICH president Valery Chereshnev supported the Rector and spoke about the difference in the view of life of the Stroganovs and Demidovs dynasties. According to Valery Chereshnev, the Stroganovs were more guided by public interests, while the Demidovs were more individualists. "The way of life, the attitude to the tools of trade are passed on from generation to generation," he says.

Leading scientists of the region in the field of social sciences, publicists, political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and others took part in the meeting. The discussion touched upon various spheres of human life and broached a point of various interpretations of world events, including in scientific works. For example, Sergei Moshkin, one of the speakers at the meeting, formulated the relationship of the two concepts in the following way: "To become a man, we must live in a society but we live our lives individually." In the opinion of the participants, the difference between the interpretations may lie not only in insignificant particulars but also in the core essence and could diametrically change the meaning of the discussed issues and views toward events.

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (ENIICH). The topic of the meeting was a reflection of one of the acute problems of the modern world and gathered outstanding scientists to solve the contradiction between individual and social concepts of man’s self: Two concepts of man’s self - individualistic and collectivist - serve as the basis for different interpretations of the same political, economic and moral problems. How do these contradictions manifest themselves in the daily life of society?

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