Punish or reward? There is an exact answer

The head of the expert department of the Expert Analytical Department of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, Kirill Samkov, successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Improving the assessment of the effectiveness of financing state programs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.”

The work of the new candidate of economic sciences is devoted to the development of theoretical and conceptual approaches and methodological tools for assessing the effectiveness of financing state programs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The methodology he proposed allows us to compare the effectiveness of financing government bodies and officials responsible for the implementation of various government programs. Thus, program curators can be held accountable or, conversely, awarded for special successes, which will provide incentives for implementers and, as a result, increase the efficiency of public administration in the region. 

During the defense, the applicant demonstrated many years of experience and knowledge in the field of public administration and finance. The work is submitted for the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in scientific specialty 5.2.4. "Finance". The defense took place in the dissertation council 24.2.425.01 (economic sciences), created on the basis of the Ural State Economic University. The scientific supervisor was Doctor of Economics, Vice-Rector for Additional Education and Career Guidance at USUE, Professor of the Department of Finance, Monetary Circulation and Credit Elena Knyazeva.

The staff of the Ural State Economic University congratulates Kirill Samkov on the successful defense of his dissertation and wishes him further success in his professional activities and new victories!

Applicant Kirill Samkov successfully defended his PhD thesis on the issues of government programs at USUE

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