November 6, USUE held the annual action “A Letter to Mom”, timed to the national Mother's Day. It was participated by USUE students and staff, high-school students, residents, and guests of Yekaterinburg. Postcards, envelopes, and stamps were provided by the organizers (the USUE Office for Youth Policy and volunteer brigade "Phoenix") free of charge. 

“The action has been held at our University since 2011. Last year we sent more than two and a half thousand cards, 150-200 of them - abroad: to Kazakhstan, China, Japan, France, and African countries. Foreign students actively participate in the action and write letters to their homeland, to their mothers and grandmothers,” Ivan Golubykh, a specialist of the Office for Youth Policy, said.

There was a queue to take postcards and envelopes: many people wanted to express their feelings to the dearest person.   We are always busy, in our daily routine forgetting to pay attention to our mothers. There was no question what to write in the postcard: of course, the warmest and touching words.

We would like to remind that the action has just begun, which means there is still an opportunity to take part in it. November 7, volunteers are waiting for everyone at Ural State Forest Engineering University, November 8 at Ural State College named after I.I. Polzunov, November 8 from 5 pm to 8 pm - on the 1st floor of the Fan-Fan shopping center, November 10,  from 2 pm to 3 pm,  on the 3rd level of the Greenwich shopping center, near the extreme impressions center. 

Letters will fly to all corners of Russia, to many countries of the world, and

November 6, USUE held the annual action “A Letter to Mom”, timed to the national Mother's Day. It was participated by USUE students and staff, high-school students, residents, and guests of Yekaterinburg. Postcards, envelopes, and stamps were provided by the organizers (the USUE Office for Youth Policy and volunteer brigade "Phoenix") free of charge.

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