Our contribution to the development of relations between Russia and Egypt

Today, a signing of a cooperation agreement between Ural State University of Economics and Media Arab for Media Production and Marketing (Arab Republic of Egypt) took place.

Cooperation between USUE and Egypt will enable residents of North Africa and the Sinai Peninsula of Asia to learn Russian without leaving their homeland.


The agreement was signed by USUE rector Yakov Silin and director of Media Arab for Media Production and Marketing Mr. Baheg Ahmed Atef Abdelazim.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin emphasized that today students from 65 countries of the world, including Egypt, were studying at Ural State University of Economics. Now future students will have the opportunity to learn Russian even before they come to Russia: “This is very important for young people, for the Egyptians. After this preparatory faculty, they can choose our university or some other one and come to study. This is our contribution to the development of relations between the two countries. We will teach not only the Russian language and this will facilitate entry into our socio-cultural environment.”

60 people can study at the Russian Language Center at the same time. As Baheg Ahmed Atef Abdelazim said, Russian is now quite popular in Egypt, so he is grateful to USUE for responding to the proposal to open the Center: “Today we signed the Agreement with USUE to open a training center where dozens of my compatriots can study. I believe this Center will help the citizens of Egypt get to know Russia better and love it as much as I do. A while back, I got an education in your country.”

Students of the preparatory faculty will not only study Russian, they will be introduced to the history of Russia and the traditions of our country.

USUE will open a Russian Language Center in the city of El-Mansoura

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