Our students are in need everywhere!

This year, the traditional interactive job fair of Ural State University of Economics “ProfiYolka” brought together a record number of employers from all over the Sverdlovsk region.

Early in the morning, even before the opening of the fair, at the university, as they say, there was no room to swing a cat. Corporate representatives occupied both the first and the second floor of the USUE main building. One could find there officials from giant industrial enterprises, retail chains, IT companies, public authorities, regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tax inspectorates, and customs.

“We have very warm relations with Ural State University of Economics,” Sergey Strokin, head of the recruitment group at Uralvagonzavod, said. “USUE graduates work for us and we have many trainees from USUE. We know that students at your university are active people, who are interested not only in the specific subject they are studying, but also try to gain knowledge from all areas related to economics. We need such people, and that’s why we are here.”

Ural State University of Economics hosts the job fair “ProfiYolka” for the eighth year in a row. It takes place in winter, always in January. Students are already thinking about where to do their summer internship. And a job fair is a great opportunity to get an offer, and not just for an internship. The university is interested in their graduates working within their specialty at the best enterprises in the country. The USUE Career Center deals with this matter.

“We regularly arrange career guidance events. This is very important work both for the university and for enterprises of various types. Joining forces, we can overcome a staff shortage,” USUE rector Yakov Silin notes.

A fourth-year student, Ksenia Kurdyumova, studies and works at the same time. Today, at the job fair, she herself offers a job on behalf of a door manufacturing company. The girl is convinced that “ProfiYolka” is needed by every student of Ural State University of Economics.

“This is very important for students: already in the second year, while gaining an overview of the specialty, you need to decide on the profile and specifics of the company you would like to work for. I believe that it is a must-have for students to come here and meet employers. This can be considered a small interview,” Ksenia Kurdyumova says.

The job fair “ProfiYolka-2024” became the largest in the history of the event: representatives of 51 enterprises took part in it. Last year, there were only 27 organizations. In 2023, about 600 students - everyone who visited company stands and interested in internships and employment - received offers from employers.

The USUE job fair brought together a record number of employers

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Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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