Ready for cooperation

USUE acting rector, Roman Krasnov, met with the Consul General of the Republic of Tajikistan in Yekaterinburg, Mr. Zafar Sayidzoda.

“One of the key areas in the international activities of our university has always been cooperation with the countries of the post-Soviet space,” Roman Krasnov says. “And we would like to strengthen this cooperation. The meeting with the Consul General of Tajikistan in Yekaterinburg was devoted, among other things, to the establishing of the Russian Language Center based on one of the Dushanbe universities. Our colleagues from Tajikistan are supporting us in this matter, and we hope to implement the project.”

According to Roman Krasnov, the idea of establishing the Russian Language Center in Dushanbe was also supported by the Consul General of Tajikistan in Yekaterinburg, Zafar Sayidzoda.

Today, over 16,000 students study at USUE including about 2,500 international students, master’s students, postgraduates and postdoctoral students from 68 countries of the world.

USUE acting rector, Roman Krasnov, met with the Consul General of the Republic of Tajikistan in Yekaterinburg, Mr. Zafar Sayidzoda

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