Scientific conference attracted attention of USUE students

A scientific and practical conference for students was held at Ural State University of Economics to discuss "Standardization, certification and metrological support as tools for supporting innovations".

During the meeting, students learned about professional certification - a program to support graduates of higher educational institutions during their transition to professional activity.

Tatyana Kiosse, a project manager of the Regional Center for Innovation Regulatory and Technical Support at the High Technologies Technopark "Universitetsky", explained that in Russia there were nine centers for independent assessment of professional qualifications, which can be taken both by graduates and by students who already have a bachelor's degree.

"This is not just an opportunity to officially confirm your professional level: an applicant falls into the federal register of workers of a particular industry. In addition, the certificate of independent evaluation is of federal significance and applicable anywhere in Russia," Tatiana Kiosse noted.

Besides, the conference discussed innovative forms of production organization. The experience of using lean production tools in manufacturing radioisotope products was told by a quality engineer from IRM Alexandra Puchikhina.

The speakers were students of the USUE Department of Quality Management. Among the topics discussed were innovative directions in the production of raw materials for food industry, ensuring the quality of chocolate products, standardization of tourism services, production and quality of liquefied natural gas, and others.

"We are developing new contacts, we are finding new points of contact with our colleagues, and I think this is very useful. I believe that standardization is our goal. These are the rules of the game, which are clear to both a manufacturer and a consumer, and which specify the quality. Professional certification is an example of our involvement in the development of the region. Therefore it is very important for us as future professionals," Lyudmila Protasova, chair of the USUE Department of Quality Management, said.

The organizers plan to make such meetings regular.

A scientific and practical conference for students was held at Ural State University of Economics to discuss "Standardization, certification and metrological support as tools for supporting innovations".

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