Scientific journals of USUE - Points of Growth

Ural State University of Economics is one of the leading universities in the economic direction in science development. Dr. Svetlana Orekhova, Head of the Department of Enterprise Economics at the USUE, Associate Professor, Executive Editor of the scientific journals “Journal of New Economy” and “Manager”, is talking about the dynamics of scientific journals development at the university.

- Svetlana Vladimirovna, you are an active participant in the scientific activities of the university, last year you defended your doctoral dissertation. How do you evaluate the scientific activity of USUE?

- In recent years, the university has made significant advances in science, implementing several strategic directions at once. The two main points of growth in the scientific plan are dissertation councils and scientific journals.

- Please tell us more about the scientific journals of the university.

- Currently, four scientific journals are published by the university. The mission of the university’s scientific publications is to create an effective platform for the interaction between authors and readers of various levels. According to the university specialization, we are boosting journals in economic and technical directions.

- Svetlana Vladimirovna, what are the problems and target audience of USUE economic journals?

- The first journal - “Journal of New Economy” (formerly known as “USUE News”) - is a growth source in economical science at our university, since it has been published for 20 years. The publication specializes in the study of theory, methodology and practice of economic growth and development of economic systems. The magazine is included in the list of peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and takes 24th place out of 385 in the SCIENCE INDEX rating for 2018 on the “Economics. Economic Sciences" topic. The two-year impact factor of the publication is 1.823, which gives the reason to consider the Journal of New Economy one of the most important publications of Russian academic science in the field of economics.

Ural State University of Economics is one of the leading universities in the economic direction in science development. Dr. Svetlana Orekhova, Head of the Department of Enterprise Economics at the USUE, Associate Professor, Executive Editor of the scientific journals “Journal of New Economy” and “Manager”, is talking about the dynamics of scientific journals development at the university.

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