Scientific but non-boring!

A new electronic periodical Digital Models and Solutions was established on the basis of the interdisciplinary journal e-FORUM. The new journal has gained its area of expertise that meets the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission. It is included in the list of publications of the Russian Science Citation Index.

The e-FORUM journal was reorganized with the aim of developing USUE publishing activities and promoting the university information and technological direction. A narrow profile makes it possible to include the publication in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. Thу new electronic edition might become a platform for scientific degrees seekers and master’s students - to prepare for the defense of their dissertations, as well as for bachelor’s students - when creating a portfolio, which is considered at defending graduation theses.

The editorial-review team of Digital Models and Solutions is headed by Prof. Yakov Silin, USUE rector, Doctor of Economics, and Anatoly Karpov, world chess champion, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The chairperson of the editorial board is Dr. Viktor Kovalev, USUE Vice-Rector for Research.

The subject area of the new journal corresponds to the following scientific specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission:

- 2.3.1 System analysis, management and processing of information, and statistics

- 5.2.2 Mathematical, statistical and instrumental methods of economics

- 5.2.6 Management.

The sections of the journal Digital Models and Solutions are formed subject to the Higher Attestation Commission following the goals and objectives of creating a new edition:

  • System analysis
  • Control, information processing and artificial intelligence
  • Economic and statistical methods of data analysis;
  • Data mining
  • Mathematical and simulation models of the economics;
  • Management of information systems
  • Management of economic systems
  • Public and corporate governance strategies
  • Strategic and gaming

The first issue of the updated periodical has already been published.

The electronic journal Digital Models and Solutions addresses all groups of academic community and is harmoniously integrated into a wide range of scientific publications of Ural State University of Economics.

The journal will be published every three months. Articles for the next issue are welcomed by e-mail until September 5, 2022.

Denis Mironov

Managing editor of the Digital Models and Solutions journal,

Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Finance,

Ph.D. in Economics.

A new electronic periodical Digital Models and Solutions was established on the basis of the interdisciplinary journal e-FORUM.

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