Science is in fashion!

USUE hosted a regional research-to-practice conference “Scientific activity as a future profession: the view of students.” Experts told students about the prospects of young scientists.

Today’s students have a growing level of confidence in the profession of a scientist. Experts from USUE, G. V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics., RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, and Ural State Mining University discussed the ways to involve talented youth in science.

During the conference, university representatives noted active work with student teams was being carried out within the state program to attract young people to science. As you know, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced 2022-2031 years in Russia as the Decade of Science and Technologies. The main thesis of the Decree thereon is to create opportunities for attracting young people to research and creating conditions for scientists to take a direct part in the country's development.

Alena Golubeva, chairperson of the USUE Student Research Society, said that within the framework of the program, young USUE scientists had already won a grant for the development of the Student Research Society.

The university presented a project “Development and implementation of an innovative system for involving students in scientific activities through the development of specialized scientometric competencies” and took 1st place among 40 winning universities with the best project up to 1 million rubles. The project developers analyzed the scientific activities of students in Russia and identified violations, which emphasized the need to study scientometrics for a young scientist, starting from the student days. Later, the students worked out advanced training courses in scientometrics and conducted the initial level of the scientometrics program at USUE.

Now the USUE Student Research Society includes 35 USUE students who actively publish their scientific articles and 6 of them were trained on a grant at the Omsk Humanitarian Academy under the additional general education program “Scientometrics and Scientific Periodicals: National and International Dimension”. They reviewed the available indicators of Russian and international science citation databases, learned how to analyze peer-reviewed journals to select the appropriate source of publication, and studied the available software for building scientography.

The experts noted the importance of cooperation of universities in scientific activities. The conference participants concluded that such events are a good way to exchange information on scientific achievements and opportunities, both among university staff and students. This can speed up their involvement in research. 

USUE hosted a regional research-to-practice conference “Scientific activity as a future profession: the view of students.”

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