USUE scientific journal are included in the Erich Plus

The scientific and analytical journal Upravlenets and the scientific journal Izvestiya of Ural State University of Economics by the decision of the ERIH Expert panel are included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

This became possible due to a change in the editorial policy of journals, the strengthening of the scientific significance of published materials and the relevance of articles by the foreign scientific community. One cannot help noting the high level of scientometric indicators of these journals.

The European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) is the largest world citation index developed by European researchers in the field of humanities and social sciences. This index includes publications not only in English, but also in main European languages. Initially, the database included only journals on the humanities, but in 2014 the topic was expanded by adding journals specializing in social sciences. This is what made it possible for publications devoted to economic issues to apply for indexation.

The journals that entered the monitoring system must meet strict European requirements for scientific publications:

  • Explicit procedures for external peer review
  • Academic editorial board, with members affiliated with universities or other independent research organizations
  • Valid ISSN code, confirmed by the international ISSN register
  • All original articles should be accompanied by abstracts in English and / or another international language relevant for the field
  • Information on author affiliations and addresses
  • No more than two thirds of the authors published in the journal are from the same institution

Upravlenets and Izvestia of USUE meet the criteria and, according to the rating scale, the journals are given the status of "international", which confirms the highest quality of scientific research.

The entering ERIH PLUS will allow researchers around the world to use the scientific materials published in these journals as well as to increase the quoting of authors of journals in scientific papers of scientists from different countries. Various international and Russian scientific foundations pay special attention to publications in such journals while evaluating projects.

The Rector of the University Yakov Silin congratulated scientists and thanked them for their works, which brought international recognition to the scientific journals of the University.

You can find our journals in the ERIH PLUS database following the links:

The scientific and analytical journal Upravlenets and the scientific journal Izvestiya of Ural State University of Economics by the decision of the ERIH Expert panel are included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

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