Introductory meeting of Yekaterinburg Council of Young Scientists

July 14, the Chair of the USUE Young Scientists Council Olga Ergunova, assistant professor at the Department of Regional and Municipal Economy and Management participated in a meeting on the creation and approval of Regulations and composition of the Yekaterinburg Council of Young Scientists. 

The purpose of the Yekaterinburg Council of Young Scientists is to promote information support for scientific research of young scientists and specialists, mainstreaming of scientific and technical creativity of youth, as well as the assistance in ensuring necessary conditions for labor, life, and leisure of young scientists. 

July 14, the Chair of the USUE Young Scientists Council Olga Ergunova, assistant professor at the Department of Regional and Municipal Economy and Management participated in a meeting on the creation and approval of Regulations and composition of the Yekaterinburg Council of Young Scientists.

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