Поздравляем с присвоением ученых степеней докторов наук Елену Макарову и Дмитрия Назарова

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 827 / nk of July 24, 2017 "On the issue of doctoral certificates", two teachers from Ural State University of Economics gained an academic degree of Doctor of Sciences.

The chair of the Department of Business Foreign Language Elena Nikolaevna Makarova was conferred the degree of Doctor of Philology. The defense of her thesis "Phrasal stress and word order as a means of highlighting of the communicative center of a statement in Spanish as compared with English and Russian (experimentally-phonetic research based on the Mexican variant of the Spanish language)", specialty 10.02.19 - "Theory of Language", was held on February 15, 2017, at St. Petersburg State University (Dissertation Council D212.232.23).

The chair of the Department of Business Informatics Dmitriy Mikhailovich Nazarov was conferred the degree of Doctor of Economics. The defense of his thesis "Theoretical and methodological foundations of fuzzy-multiple estimation of implicit factors of organization management", specialty 08.00.13 - "Mathematical and Instrumental Methods of Economics" was held on April 5, 2017, at Saint-Petersburg State University (Dissertation Council at D212.232.34).

We congratulate Elena Nikolaevna and Dmitry Mikhailovich on the successful defenses of their doctoral dissertations and wish them further scientific success!

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 827 / nk of July 24, 2017 "On the issue of doctoral certificates", two teachers from Ural State University of Economics gained an academic degree of Doctor of Sciences.

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