Innovator’s Navigator : USUE students learned how to build one’s own business in 15 minutes

For the first time, the Open University Skolkovo School held in Yekaterinburg the "Innovator’s Navigator" program for startups and entrepreneurs. 95 participants from all over the Sverdlovsk region were lucky to master an intensive course of the educational program, as their applications were selected by experts. Among those who had passed competitive selection were five USUE students and head of the University business workshop on social work Associate Professor Lyudmila Egovtseva.

The main task of the organizers was to teach start-ups and young entrepreneurs to create models for their businesses that do not require large financial investments and exclude severe risks. For four days, the trainees had to work hard. Lectures, master classes, discussions and learning activities in groups ... At one of the lessons, having received case studies from priority areas of industry, medicine, and IT technologies, participants had to quickly develop a business idea, evaluate its efficiency and make financial calculations. Such brainstorming brought the result.

On the last day, students clearly understood: a well-designed business model allows you to start earning first money even from student days, and one could count on handsome profit already six months after the project is launched.

"These four days were very productive. We easily mastered Osterwalder’s business model, we were explained how to present a startup, how to place the information on the slide to catch the interest of   audience and how to commercialize one’s idea. Besides, we expanded our business horizons: we learned about the strategy of scientific and technical development of countries at present, about the trends of modern development. Many thanks to the interesting speakers for good presentation of the material!” Victoria Emelyanova, a third-year student, told.

In mid-December, USUE will host a business conveyor, where the participants of “Innovator’s Navigator" will present their modified business models to the qualified experts and coaches of the Russian Center for Support of Youth Entrepreneurship.

Those who have been recognized the best by experts will undergo a new test - "Business Eurasia" contest, which will be held within the framework of the 9th Eurasian Economic Youth Forum in April 2018. There, winners will be announced and awarded.

Впервые Школа открытого университета Сколково провела в Екатеринбурге программу для стартапов и предпринимателей «Навигатор инноватора». Освоить интенсивный курс образовательной программы посчастливилось 95 участникам со всей Свердловской области – именно их заявки были отобраны экспертами. В числе прошедших конкурсный отбор было пять студентов УрГЭУ и руководитель бизнес-мастерской по социальной работе университета доцент Людмила Еговцева.

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