September 4, the Mayakovsky park hosted the #People(s) of the Urals festival. It completed a series of events timed to the anniversary celebration of the Day of the Peoples of the Middle Urals in the cities of the Sverdlovsk region.

This year, we celebrate the Day of the Peoples of the Middle Urals for the twentieth time, which is very symbolic in the Year of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia. The project #People(s) of the Urals dedicated to the holiday was jointly organized by the Regional Fund for Eurasian Youth Initiatives Support (Eurasia Youth Foundation) and Ural State University of Economics.

About 30 farmsteads were presented at the festival. Bashkirs, Poles, Yezidis, Tajiks, Armenians, and Jews, Gypsies, Dagestani, Mari, Greeks and other national diasporas gathered on one large platform, just as amicably as they live on the Ural land. They greeted the guests in bright folk costumes, decorated with rich patterned embroidery, and interesting headdresses.

Cordiality and hospitality unite all our peoples. Therefore, in every courtyard, tables were heaped with food: ripe fruits, various sweets, pastries, and smartly decorated snacks. Many participants of the festival have chosen musical accompaniment for their courtyards - rousing, sonorous, and recognizable.

Professional vocal, choreographic and instrumental groups performing folk songs and dances acted on the stage.

The governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev took part in the bright festival of friendship. He walked through the courtyards, examined the dishes of national cuisines, household and cultural items, jewelry and folk costumes, books and photographs there presented.

“Today’s festival is of particular importance for us: where else, if not here, in live communication with the bearers of traditions, language, and culture, will we get better acquainted with the rich national palette of our region? We are one big family; the history of the region and the country is written by all of us. It is unity that helps us achieve success and prosperity,” Yevgeny Kuyvashev said.

Chairperson of the Public Chamber of Yekaterinburg, USUE Rector Yakov Silin congratulated the guests and participants:“About 300 peoples live in Russia, and most of them live in the Sverdlovsk region. Here we have been and will be together. We have a unique past, present and promising future, because together we are strong! The University is also a part of this community, its economy, culture and science, and therefore we also have strong traditions at USUE.”

The Rector’s Adviser for Patriotic Education, president of the Regional Fund for Supporting Eurasian Youth Initiatives, Hero of Russia Sergei Voronin also greeted those present:

“Today our Foundation is summing up the final stage of the festival, which was born on the initiative of the youth. And we can clearly see: living in peace and friendship, our people are ready to perform labor feats and adequately defend our Fatherland.”

The members of the student teams Forsage and Servium (USUE) acted as festival volunteers. Other student construction brigades were present as guests. Roman Krasnov, USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work and Youth Policy, took part in the grand opening of the anniversary celebration.

 A bright fest with national flavor #People (s) of the Urals took place on September 4, on the Day of the Peoples of the Middle Urals.

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