Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting of the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (SOSPP) commission.  

Opening the meeting, the executive vice-president of the SOSPP, the chairperson of the Committee on Social Partnership Tatyana Kansafarova   presented an action plan for the development of the National Qualification Framework in 2018-2020. The plan includes the expansion of social partnership in the development of human resources, the management of labor resources quality, the support of a future-oriented structure of employment, and the development of the National Qualification Framework infrastructure. "Not all employers are ready to apply professional standards (PS). It is necessary to introduce them into the practice of personnel management through training, monitoring of the PS application and independent evaluation of qualifications in government institutions, changes in legislation, as well as encouraging employers and their associations to participate in the establishment of Qualification Evaluation Centers, and PS development," Tatyana Kansafarova noted.


"We want to improve the qualifications of our specialists. The purpose of introducing professional standards is to improve the quality of labor resources and to increase the professionalism of employees. This would result in higher competitiveness of an employee in the labor market. New employees should focus on those who already use standards. They should understand what requirements already exist," the USUE Rector Yakov Silin stressed.


Alexander Kokovikhin, director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies, deputy chairperson of the Commission, presented the results of the work of the working group on information technologies and tasks for 2018-2019. Among the main activities, he identified the update of professional standards and the development of the mechanism for the participation of enterprises in the implementation of FSES HE (3 ++). "SOSPP members are invited to identify employees from among the staff of IT-services for interaction with educational organizations to harmonize the professional competencies of educational programs," Alexander Kokovikhin recommended.

Deputy Vice-Rector for Research, the chair of the USUE   Department of Labor Economics and HR Management, Ruslan Dolzhenko   spoke on the main projects in the development of competencies and qualifications implemented by the Department together with the enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region. He noted that the regional policy of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the field of personnel management took into account two basic things: the need to promote a system of professional qualifications in the regions and the lack of material and physical resources for its full implementation.

Participants of the event concluded that professional standards were the must for the training of employees to meet the current conditions and requirements of the labor market, carrying out appraisals, and assessment of personnel qualifications.

Following the meeting, the participants considered a number of proposals for the development of the system of professional qualifications and invited employers of the Sverdlovsk region to participate in the development of a regional plan for the implementation of professional standards.

Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting of the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (SOSPP) commission.

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