Week of Marketing: management and marketing - challenges of the 21st century

October 24, students of Ural State University of Economics gathered for the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the week of marketing and advertising to discuss current trends in marketing and management. 91 applications were submitted for the event, 27 of them - from representatives of other universities of Russia. The conference was held in Russian and English.

The expert committee of the conference consisted of Larisa Kapustina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, chair of the USUE Department of Marketing and International Management, Natalia Khmelkova, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, chair of the Department of Economy and Informatization of Humanities University, Ivan Vozmilov, Ph.D., associate professor, USUE Department of Marketing and International Management, Natalia Izakova, senior lecturer, USUE Department of Marketing and International Management, Julia Myslyakova, PhD, associate professor, senior researcher at the Center for Comparative Regional. Research under Institute of Economics of UB RAS.

The conference addressed issues of human resource management and innovation management in ensuring labor and rest conditions for workers, electric vehicles market in Russia, peculiarities of viral marketing, cross-cultural management and loyalty management, and some other topics. Participants took an active part in the discussion and broadened their horizons.

Summarizing the conference, a collection of scientific articles will be published.

October 24, students of Ural State University of Economics gathered for the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the week of marketing and advertising to discuss current trends in marketing and management. 91 applications were submitted for the event, 27 of them - from representatives of other universities of Russia. The conference was held in Russian and English.

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