German experience in implementing innovations at USUE

On October 21-22, USUE hosted the III Ural Economic Forum. At its plenary session, the participants were addressed by the director of the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship, Vice-President of Steinbeis University Berlin, Professor Werner G. Faix

The professor made a report "Innovative Leadership: German Experience" and spoke about the innovations having been implemented in Germany, and the teaching methods used at Steinbeis University.

Today the first quantum computers appear in Germany. This is a big step forward, a radical innovation that the world needs. By “radical,” I mean the following: in order to achieve sustainable development, countries need to use more and more innovative approaches and to work on changes several times harder than before. For example, consider classical management: it is quite efficient, but not quite applicable today. Nowadays, modern managers are required to have much more leadership qualities than they needed a few years ago,” Werner G. Faix said.  

According to the professor, leadership qualities are needed for employees of any industry, and therefore universities should work with students in this direction.

Without leadership qualities, it is impossible to promote anything, including innovation, because leadership is an interdisciplinary field. It is important that universities strengthen the leadership qualities in students, identify their talents, and push young people to invent and implement their own innovations,” emphasized professor Werner G. Faix and described how Steinbeis University approached student training. 

Modern society is faced with many challenges in various areas: ecology, economics, energy ... To be able to quickly respond to the ongoing changes, it is necessary to develop digitalization,” concluded Werner G. Faix.

The German professor noted that the friendly relations between USUE and Steinbeis University Berlin were strengthening and thanked USUE for organizing the Ural Economic Forum.

On October 21-22, USUE hosted the III Ural Economic Forum. At its plenary session, the participants were addressed by the director of the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship, Vice-President of Steinbeis University Berlin, Professor Werner G. Faix. 

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