No to drugs!

USUE held a public lecture on counterdrug for law students. The event was conducted by Irina Soshnikova, associate professor at the Department of Public Law.

The public lecture was organized by the Department of Public Law of the Institute of Finance and Law. It considered different ways of confronting the negative pressure of social environment and  provided insight into the danger of an organism physiological dependence on drugs.

"Together with students, we revealed the consequences of drug addiction for human health, analyzed the relevance and significance of the problem of drug abuse both for individuals and for society. The main purpose of such events is to form a negative attitude towards drug addiction and to motivate to resist bad habits. It is necessary to continuously carry out certain work to mindset and a way of life formation for young people," Irina Soshnikova says. 

USUE held a public lecture on counterdrug for law students. The event was conducted by Irina Soshnikova, associate professor at the Department of Public Law.

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