Incredible study of foreigners at USUE

215 students of foreign universities, taking advantage of the academic mobility program, began the academic year at Ural State University of Economics. The first to arrive at USUE was a second-year student majoring in Tourism at Adam University (Republic of Kyrgyzstan) Ekaterina Zapotochnaya and a second-year student majoring in Management at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (Kazakhstan) Vladislava Boychenko. The girls have already started their studies at the USUE Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering.

USUE attracted Ekaterina Zapotochnaya because not only Russians study at this university but also citizens of the CIS countries, Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Besides, she likes Yekaterinburg very much and is impressed by its skyscrapers that do not exist in her native Bishkek: “Now I am among the international students of USUE. I know from the Internet that Ural State University of Economics occupies a leading position in the training of high-skilled professionals. I look forward to gaining new knowledge and skills that will be useful in building a career in the tourism industry. My greatest desire is to become a good specialist in this field and connect my life with tourism,” emphasized Ekaterina Zapotochnaya, a student exchange program participant.


Vladislava Boychenko, a student from Kazakhstan, shared that after leaving school she planned to enter Ural State University of Economics. But because of coronavirus restrictions, she had to drop the idea. She is now a student at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz: “Having started studying at KEUK, I learned about the opportunities to receive part of higher education at Ural State University of Economics under the academic mobility program. Without thinking twice, I decided on a short-term move to Yekaterinburg. I am well acquainted with this city as I rested here several times. It has touched my feelings,” shared Vladislava Boychenko.

USUE has been concluding agreements on exchange programs with universities for over ten years. During this period, about two thousand international students from 136 universities in China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Colombia, France, Belarus, Vietnam, Moldova, and the Donetsk People’s Republic received education at Ural State University of Economics as USUE signed cooperation agreements with them.

215 students of foreign universities started the academic year at USUE under the academic mobility program

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