Innovation - imitation

Are you a novice driver? Or are you an experienced driver, but still nervous about possible RTA? Scientists and postgraduate students of the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management under the guidance of Natalya Verbitskaya, Ph.D. in Education and neuropsychologist, have developed a technique that helps drivers avoid accidents on the roads.

The study involved 150 drivers of B and E categories. They sat at a screen with videos in which the driving process was modeled in detail: weather, road markings, obstacles, car density. In the meantime, encephalographic sensors were connected to the body, which read the activity of the brain.

The researchers observed what neural impulses the brain generates during abnormal situations on the screen, for example, if a pedestrian ran out onto the road, or the driver - a participant in the experiment - was suddenly cut in by another car. In real life, any such situation can cause stress and panic, because of which a person could be late with deciding, does not have time to react, and an accident occurs. However, if you drift a person through an imitation many times, the brain will adapt, begin to react faster, and fear will no longer prevent you from making the right decision.

“The created ‘buffer’ is about 3-5 seconds,” Natalya Verbitskaya explains. “However, this is quite enough for a trained person, based on the experience gained, to react correctly and avoid an accident. When my colleagues and I see on the electroencephalograph that the brain of a person under test no longer ‘freezes’ in an unforeseen situation, this is a sign that the necessary network of neurons has been formed.”

Scientists have made about 700 training videos for 5-10 minutes of three levels of difficulty for “all occasions”. In them, dangerous situations are interspersed with long, calm intervals so that a person has time to relax again. In reality, even drivers with many years’ experience could hardly have passed through such a number of stressful situations on the roads. And the development of scientists from the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management allows to accumulate such experience completely safely.

All equipment and software used for testing is Russian-made. Now the department, together with the Association of Managers and Specialists in Human Resource Management, is discussing the project at the Public Council under the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Sverdlovsk region. The ultimate goal is to include such training in the driver training program at Sverdlovsk driving schools.

How many videos do you need to watch to become a professional driver? USUE scientists have found the answer

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