A new professional sports ground began its work at USUE

September 20, 2017, Ural State University of Economics opened a stadium and a professional sports ground near the dormitories on Umeltsev Street. New sports facilities radiate youth, beauty, and strength; cultivate the desire to go in for sports and to study.

Several important events took place on the opening day of the sports ground. The University decided after a 25-year pause to resume the relay race for the prizes of the newspaper The Economist at the new stadium and the ground for GTO and street workout immediately after opening received everybody wishing to take GTO tests ("Ready for Labor and Defense").

The opening ceremony of sports facilities was attended by Deputy Head of the Department for Development of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism at the Yekaterinburg Administration, international master of sports in athletics, semifinalist of the 2004 Olympic Games Mikhail Lipsky, head of the Urals Federal District of the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia Grigory Voytsitsky, USUE Rector Yakov  Silin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergey Rogozhin, Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov, and Vice-Rector  for Property Management Vladimir Kuligin .

The Rector of the University Yakov Silin outlined the importance of creating the sports ground, "Together we have completed a major project and now we are launching it in life. This sports ground was created for our students but we will be glad to see here the tenants living nearby. >I would like to express my gratitude to all those who participated in the construction for their work. We hope that you will take care of this ground and use it for your intended purpose."

Mikhail Lipsky  congratulated the University with the completion of construction of sports facilities and encouraged the students to train not only the mind but also the body, "One of the objectives of the Russian project" Ready for Labor and Defense" is to improve  physical fitness and health and, as a consequence, the development of personality. I wish you to accompany your educational process with productive physical training. "

>Immediately after the opening of the stadium, the field-and-track relay race for the prize of the newspaper The Economist was held. Participants, including the first team of the college and the team of the Association of International Students, showed their physical training and eagerness to win. As a result of the race, the places were distributed as follows:

3 place - Institute of Economics

2 place - Institute of Finance and Law

1 place - Institute of Management and Information Technologies

The opening of the open-air ground started with demonstration performances of the team “Yekaterinburg Workout” under the guidance of Maxim Ananev. After testing of the ground by athletes, the GTO honorary pins were presented to students who had passed tessd in March. It is worth noting that for several months the tests were passed by 369 people, 11 of them were awarded the golden GTO pin, 11 students silver GTO pins and 23 students -  bronze ones. The same evening, the first GTO tests on the new sports ground took place.

The day ended with a football match between the USUE team and the team of Association of International Students. The Challenge Cup was won by the USUE team.

September 20, 2017, Ural State University of Economics opened a stadium and a professional sports ground near the dormitories on Umeltsev Street. New sports facilities radiate youth, beauty, and strength; cultivate the desire to go in for sports and to study.

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