New industrial society

One of the key events of the Ural economic forum, which takes place in USUE on October 24-25th, was an open lecture by the President of the Independent economical society of Russia, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Sergei Dmitrievich Bodrunov.

The transition to a new model of economics, which is based on the thesis about material production leading role denial, is confirmed by the following key indicators: the expansion of the service market, production and social processes informatization. The problems faced by modern society in the process of transition to a new model of industrial relations are also inevitable: "Movement beyond material production  post-industrial production  turned not only into an increase in efficiency, productivity, welfare of the people, but also the into the expansion of financial intermediation, which was an important factor in the financial crisis of 2007-2009." In the context of the global economy, the transition to a new model of production in the Northern countries served as a catalyst to strengthen the processes of industrialization in the Southern regions, increasing their role and share in world material production. A striking example of such an economy is the economy of China.

According to Sergei Bodrunov, today " the structure of civilization is changing, not just society." The priorities of social development are changing in the new society. The role of science will increase dramatically. Sergey Bodrunov defined a special place of scientific knowledge in the conditions of transition to a new type of society: "Knowledge today is a basic resource in the industry of a new generation. The creation of a new product is impossible without the use of new knowledge-intensive technologies. Therefore, the presence of quality education that meets modern economy challenges is a key resource in the modern labor market."   ?

One of the key events of the Ural economic forum, which takes place in USUE on October 24-25th, was an open lecture by the President of the Independent economical society of Russia, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Sergei Dmitrievich Bodrunov.

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