New perspectives

Ural State University of Economics and the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed an agreement on cooperation, establishing long-term partnerships and implementing joint activities.

The document on interaction was signed by the USUE rector Yakov Silin and the president of the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development Aleksey Dolgov.

“Collaboration with a large and influential bank is of great importance for the university. To improve the quality of training of young specialists, it is necessary to engage the best experts and practitioners at work. Pooling the efforts, the bank and the university will significantly enhance the level of training. I hope together we will successfully cope with this task,” USUE rector Yakov Silin said.

The parties agreed on implementing joint educational programs, start-ups, research projects, and on the organization of educational work for students. As part of the agreement, the parties intend to promote the employment of graduates, support a cyber range for improving the skills of future IT specialists, and conduct scientific research and experimental developments through grants and other sources. Besides, USUE students will have a chance to do internships at one of the largest banks in Russia.

“The agreement will be a new stage in fruitful cooperation with the only specialized university of economics in the Urals. We believe it is important that former students and current employees of the bank maintain contact with their alma mater and continue to develop, being of benefit not only to the bank and the university but also to the entire Sverdlovsk region. It is especially honorable for us that the Ural bank is developing a partnership with the Ural university. We will strive to find new ideas that we can implement within our cooperation,” Aleksey Dolgov noted.

In honor of cooperation agreement signing, the UBRD president presented the university with a sports uniform for e-sports students. The uniform, developed specifically for the USUE cyber range, adorns the corporate colors of the university and features the logos of USUE and UBRD.

USUE and UBRD have signed a cooperation agreement

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