New level of economic science

Noonomics Center in Russia is being created at USUE. Today, the participants of the 5th Ural Economic Forum were informed thereon. The new research community will be supported by the Free Economic Society (VEO) of Russia and the S.Y. Witte Institute for New Industrial Development.

At the 5th Ural Economic Forum “The Urals—a Driver of Neo-Industrial and Innovative Development of Russia”, a trilateral cooperation agreement was signed between USUE, VEO of Russia and the S.Y. Witte Institute for New Industrial Development. The subject of the agreement is the establishment of the Noonomics Center.

“Having the task of building a socially oriented state, we are thinking about how to do this, considering all the rich experience of regions. The movement that exists in USUE and Yekaterinburg, as well as the role of the Urals in the Russian economy, are very important. Here, in the industrial heart of the country, it is especially important to train personnel focused on the postulates of noonomics, since industrial and technological progress is at the core of socio-economic development,” Sergei Bodrunov, president of the VEO of Russia, director of the Institute for New Industrial Development, noted.

The S.Y. Witte Institute for New Industrial Development as the developer of the theory of noonomics allocates a grant of 500 thousand rubles to USUE and over 100 copies of scientific and methodological materials. The VEO of Russia announced the new Center as an authorized platform in Yekaterinburg for conducting the all-Russian Economic Dictation, which is written annually by thousands of Sverdlovsk region residents.

“The work of the Noonomics Center will be useful for young and experienced scientists, enterprise and business managers, representatives of government bodies and public organizations. At the university, we have been studying noonomics for 4 years and now our work will become more regular and large-scale. This is a big step in the development of economic thought. I hope they will set a whole network of such centers: ‘to plow this field’ together will be easier and more effective,” USUE rector Yakov Silin emphasized.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of government authorities, scientific and business communities, members of the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of the VEO of Russia, as well as USUE students, many of whom had taken part in lectures and practical classes on noonomics, conducted at USUE by Svetlana Pyankova, vice-president of the Sverdlovsk branch of the VEO of Russia, professor at the USUE Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management. President of the VEO of Russia, Sergei Bodrunov, thanked Prof. Pyankova for her fruitful work and contribution to the development of the general theory of noonomics.

Society of Russia to Ruslan Sadykov, Minister of Economy and Territorial Development of the Sverdlovsk region, Professor Alla Golovina, director of the Higher School of Corporate Education, head of the USUE Department of Enterprise Economics, and Andrey Misyura, General Director of the Middle Urals Development Corporation. They were highly praised by the oldest and largest economic community in Russia for their fruitful cooperation with universities, the development of measures for more effective development of enterprises and their great contribution to the socio-economic development of the region.

V Уральский экономический форум организован УрГЭУ и Вольным экономическим обществом России и проходит в УрГЭУ 19-20 октября 2023 г. В его работе примут участие более 300 экспертов, учёных, преподавателей и студентов. Второй день работы форума – 20 октября продолжится открытыми лекциями по вопросам региональной и глобальной экономической трансформации и роли, которую Уральский макрорегион может сыграть в этом процессе.

Establishment of Noonomics Center in Russia was discussed at the 5th Ural Economic Forum 

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