Instructions on measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus in USUE.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on March 15, 2020, more than 104 thousand studies on coronavirus were conducted. A total of 63 cases of coronavirus infection have been reported. 3 people have already been discharged for recovery.
In order to prevent the spread of cases of diseases caused by coronavirus in the Russian Federation, precautionary measures must be observed.

In connection with general concern about the threat of the spread of viral infection, we recall the measures of protection and prevention of COVID-19 (based on materials from the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation). The main rule is that at the first signs of the disease it is necessary to seek medical help from medical organizations, not to allow self-medication.

Main symptoms
An increase in body temperature in pain than 90% of cases
Cough (dry or with a small amount of sputum) in 80% of cases
Shortness of breath in 55% of cases
Chest sensation in> 20% of cases
Rarer symptoms may be observed: headaches (8%), hemoptysis (5%), diarrhea (3%), nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations. These symptoms in the onset of infection can be observed in the absence of fever.

What should be done in order not to become infected?
Avoid traveling to countries where new coronavirus infections are reported.
Avoid contact with people who have signs of a cold and SARS (nasal discharge, coughing, sneezing, etc.).
Avoid crowded places.
Wash your hands with soap as often as possible. If there is no access to water and soap, use disposable alcohol wipes or moisturizing sanitary napkins.
Touch your face and eyes only with your recently washed hands or with a disposable cloth.
If possible, do not touch pens, handrails, other objects and surfaces in public places and limit welcome handshakes, kisses and hugs.
Wear a disposable medical mask in crowded places and vehicles.
Ventilate the room in which you are located regularly.
Regularly do wet cleaning in the room you are in.

Do not visit the markets where animals, seafood are sold.
Use only thermally processed food, bottled water.
Do not attend zoos, cultural events involving animals.
At the first signs of the disease, seek medical help from medical organizations, do not allow self-medication.
When applying for medical care in the territory of the Russian Federation, inform medical personnel about the time and place of stay in a country with an unfavorable epidemiological situation or contact with people who have signs of SARS or who have arrived from a country with an unfavorable epidemiological situation
Lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

What should be done so as not to infect others?
If signs of acute respiratory viral infections appear, stay at home and call a doctor. Minimize contact with other people.
Use a disposable medical mask. If there is no mask, cover your mouth with a disposable handkerchief or tissue when coughing and sneezing. If it’s impossible, cover your mouth with the elbow area.
Do not cover your mouth with your hands when coughing or sneezing, as this helps spread the virus. If not possible, wash your hands immediately with soap or wipe them thoroughly with disposable alcohol wipes or moisturizing sanitary napkins.
Dispose of used handkerchiefs and napkins in trash bins.
How are COVID-19 cases classified?
1. Suspicious case:
the presence of clinical manifestations of acute respiratory infection, bronchitis, pneumonia in combination with the following epidemiological data:
a visit 14 days before the onset of symptoms of epidemiologically dysfunctional COVID-19 countries and regions;
close contacts over the past 14 days with persons under COVID-19 surveillance who subsequently became ill;
close contacts over the past 14 days with people who have been diagnosed with a laboratory diagnosis of COVID-19.

2. Confirmed case:
A positive laboratory test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA by polymerase chain reaction, regardless of clinical manifestations.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on March 15, 2020, more than 104 thousand studies on coronavirus were conducted. A total of 63 cases of coronavirus infection have been reported. 3 people have already been discharged for recovery.

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