Extra admission announced

From September 2, 2024, the Admissions Committee of Ural State University of Economics resumes accepting applications for mixed attendance and extramural bachelor’s degree programs with tuition fees. The university is ready to accept over 4 thousand students.

The main stage of accepting applications has been completed. Thousands of applicants have already become students of USUE. However, there are those who did not have time to submit documents.

“Applicants applied to different educational institutions, but ultimately chose our university. And many of them physically did not have time to submit documents within the established deadline. There were many requests from applicants, so we are ready to give them another chance to become a student of Ural State University of Economics,” said Vera Kolchina, the head of the Admissions Department of the USUE Admissions and Pre-University Training Office.

Extra admission is announced for the following areas: Informatics and Computer Engineering, Applied Informatics, Technological Machines and Equipment, Technology of Products and Organization of Public Catering, Land Management and Personnel, Quality Management, Economics, Management, Human Resources Management, Public Administration, Business Informatics, Commerce, Commodity Science, Jurisprudence, Service, Tourism, and Hotel Business.

We maintain the same conditions that were in effect during the main stage of admission, including a list of entrance examinations, minimum and maximum scores, special rights and benefits, and individual achievements.

In total, the university can enroll 3,575 people in a mixed attendance mode and 772 people in an extramural form of study.

 You can submit documents by coming to the university or through the applicant’s personal account on the USUE official website. To submit an application, you need a passport, SNILS, and an educational record.

 The deadline for submitting documents is October 22.

During the main stage of the enrollment campaign, over 10 thousand applications were submitted to USUE from applicants entering bachelor’s programs for contractual places. This year, all in all, there are 5102 places at Ural State University of Economics.

There is still an opportunity to enter USUE for mixed attendance and extramural forms of study

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