We announce a competition!

In April 2023, the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum will take place. It will bring together thousands of students, young scientists and researchers from dozens of countries around the world, hundreds of experts and dozens of diplomats. As in previous years, the participants will present scientific projects on the high-profile issues of economic, environmental, social, and other spheres of life.

However, it is you who can come up with a topic under which reports and projects will be based!

At the current stage of preparation for EEYF-2023, the coordinators invite everyone to think: what economic trends are observed now, what words can they be combined with?

Please offer your topic for the future forum until October 15, 2022 by email contact@eurasia-forum.ru. The author of the best idea will receive a prize: a wireless charger for a mobile phone.

The Organizing Committee of the XIII EEYF announces a competition for the best topic of the forum.

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