The updated EEYF website will be opened on January 10, 2023

On the updated website of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, you can find all the relevant information about the preparation and holding of the XIII EEYF.

The website in the new design will be available at the same address. An updated version in English will be added. On the 10 th of January 2023, a new space will open at for complete information on the preparation and holding of the EEYF. As before, it will contain all the relevant information about the Forum, from the list of venues and congresses to memos to participants. How to take participation in the forum? What activities are foreseen? Where will out-of-town and foreign participants live? How to contact the organizers? You will find answers to these and many other organizational questions on the EEYF website.

Let us remind you that the forum was and remains one of the primary events of USUE. In 2022, the XII EEYF brought together over eight thousand participants from 76 regions of Russia and 89 foreign countries. Among them are over five thousand contestants and more than 1,700 VIP guests, many of whom specially arrived in Yekaterinburg to take part in the program in person.

The mission of the forum remains unchanged - to unite the intellectual youth of different countries and continents in the process of Eurasian integration. This is the largest youth scientific and practical event in the Ural region and one of the largest in Russia as a whole. Registration for XIII EEYF participants will be open on the updated website in winter. The competition program will change somewhat, being updated to the theme XIII of the EEYF and the economic agenda. Some contests will “leave”, and four new ones will be added to the 41 traditional ones. The number of co-organizers of the forum in Russia and abroad has also expanded. Earlier, Vladivostok State University and Tashkent State University of Economics (Republic of Uzbekistan) expressed their desire to be among the forum sites.

The forum organizing committee members, including USUE Rector Yakov Silin, vice-rectors, directors of institutes, teachers, professors and staff, are  hope that in 2023 the XIII EEYF will become no less a bright event than in previous years, and will be evidence of the All-Russian and international recognition of our university.

Everything you wanted to know about XIII EEYF is available in one place.

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