“Education begins at schools: Chinese delegation arrived at USUE

November 30, the director of Nie Shyniao company  Nie Sheniao, assistant director of the school of Daqing Zhai Mingxing and head of the International Relations Department of Daqing school Wei Shyxing became acquainted with USUE, met with Chinese students, and talked to the Rector of the University Yakov Silin.

The meeting with the Rector was also attended by Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov and the head of the International Cooperation Office Margarita Medvedeva.

Yakov Silin said that the University is particularly interested to cooperate with Chinese schools, "Education begins with schools. Practice shows that Chinese students are the most conscientious. We cooperate with six universities of China. Today 27 people from China study at USUE, and last year they were only 12. We are ready to expand cooperation. It is important that they should study not only at the preparatory faculty but also for undergraduate and graduate programs. "

USUE Rector focused on the fact that the University is located in the industrial region and prepare good professionals. "There is traditionally a strong economic and financial scientific school, as well as everything related to food technologies. These areas are very popular in China, too. Exchange students will work for our countries, universities, and schools," Yakov Silin said.

We would like to remind that from in October USUE top management visited Daqing Senior High School. Здесь обучаются более 2000 учеников и преподают более 500 учителей. More than 2,000 students study there and there are more than 500 teachers. Учебное заведение известно своими современными методиками обучения и новейшими технологиями не только в г. Дайцин , но и во всей Хэйлунцзянской провинции. This school is known for its modern teaching methods and the latest technologies not only in Daqing but also throughout the Heilongjiang Province. The meeting resulted in agreement on sending talented graduates of Daqing School for training at USUE.

30 ноября директор компании «Не Шуньяо» Не Шэняо, помощник директора школы г. Дацин Чжай Минсин и начальник отдела международных связей школы г. Дацин Вэй Шусин познакомились с УрГЭУ, встретились с китайскими студентами и пообщались с ректором вуза Яковом Силиным.

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