Education in focus of new reality

The annual Council of Rectors to be held at the XIII EEYF will bring together rectors of universities in Russia and foreign countries. Despite the differences in the areas of training and educational standards, the leaders of higher education have many similar tasks and problems. Both analytical forecasts and successful practices will be presented at the Council of Rectors.

From April 24 to April 28, there will be held the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum “Multipolar World in Focus of New Reality”. The EEYF program includes several special events for professional communities: diplomats, media leaders and, of course, rectors of higher educational institutions, both Russian and foreign.

Registration of participants has not yet been finished, but as today, already a record number of people have signed up for the XIII EEYF - over 10,000! Among them are 60 heads of universities - forges of high-skilled specialists in the fields of economics, management, tourism, linguistics, and technologies.

The Council of Rectors will bring together the most knowledgeable and involved representatives from Russian and foreign universities: rectors and directors, vice-rectors for academic affairs, research, international cooperation, and youth affairs. This event allows participants to enrich themselves with experience, knowledge, ideas for solving urgent problems of education, and work out a common policy for the development of higher education institutions.

Heads of educational institutions will deliver reports and discuss hot issues. Traditionally, there will be ceremonies for signing cooperation agreements between universities.

“By signing new agreements with universities, we give way to new projects. We will be stronger if we unite,” emphasizes the USUE rector Yakov Silin.


According to current registration data, the largest number of leaders to visit XIII EEYF are from the Ural Federal District. 18 institutions of higher education with a very different focus will be the participants of Council of Rectors: Yekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art, Yekaterinburg Institute of Physical Culture, the local branch of Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Surgut State Pedagogical University, Ural State Medical University, and other universities of the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, and Tyumen regions and Khanti-Mansiisk Autonomous District.

Among the guests of honor of the Council will be representatives of local authorities, regional and Russian Ministry of Education, and Rosmolodezh.


To find solutions together, heads of universities of different specializations will visit EEYF

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