Education at USUE is focused on modern neo-industrial needs

A press conference finalizing the visit to the Urals of the President of the Free Economic Society of Russia Sergey Bodrunov was held on October 24 at USUE. Together with Yakov Silin, USUE rector, President of the VEO Ural branch, he answered the questions of municipal and regional media on the transition of modern society to a new industrial model.


When answering to the journalists’ question on the role of the Ural region in the process of transforming the current economic model of Russia, Sergey Bodrunov said that production, scientific and educational resources available in the Urals formed a powerful industrial base able to determine world production trends, to introduce advanced technologies, and to use the accumulated knowledge to modernize the economy of the country. When asked a question on the requirements to an educational model that meets changing economic conditions, Professor Bodrunov emphasized the need for the use of flexible technologies, which are based on: accessible forms of learning, including distance ones, close cooperation with the business community in order to systematically update scientific knowledge, and personalization of educational programs. 

Yakov Silin emphasized that the education system at USEU is focused on modern neo-industrial needs, provides for the participation of 20-30% of teaching practitioners in the educational process, and uses various forms of distance education. Besides, the advanced practice of designing personalized educational programs for employees of enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region aimed at developing and optimizing their production processes is much-in-demand.


An essential condition for a successful transition to a new economic model, according to both speakers, is the training of a responsible and skilled specialist with a high level of culture, who is aware of his/her role in modern market conditions, and who focuses more on creating a quality product than on making a profit.

 Speaking about the Universiade, which is to be held in Yekaterinburg in 2023, Yakov Silin noted the positive impact of such events on the economy of the region, on the creation of a high-quality infrastructure, which will help attract new investments in the region.

 Summing up, the eminent speakers noted that the Russian economy has all the necessary resources to make a technological breakthrough. Successful experience in applying science-driven knowledge in the optimization of production processes at Ural enterprises should be taken as a basis for the transition of the Russian economy to a new production model. 





A press conference finalizing the visit to the Urals of the President of the Free Economic Society of Russia Sergey Bodrunov was held on October 24 at USUE. Together with Yakov Silin, USUE rector, President of the VEO Ural branch, he answered the questions of municipal and regional media on the transition of modern society to a new industrial model.

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