Educated citizens mean a strong country!

USUE Rector Yakov Silin met with the government working group of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Consul General of Tajikistan in Yekaterinburg, Mr. Zafar Sayidzoda. The agenda is focused on the development of cooperation in the educational and scientific fields.

The government working group of the Republic of Tajikistan arrived in Yekaterinburg to get acquainted in detail with the life of compatriots in the Urals and to establish interaction with local authorities, national diaspora and organizations, in particular with Ural State University of Economics.

The history of cooperation between USUE and the universities of Tajikistan has many bright pages. To date, agreements have been signed on the interaction of USUE with seven universities of Tajikistan, for example, with the Tajik National University, which, by the way, acted as an international platform for the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum in 2022 and 2023, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Dozens of citizens of the Republic annually study for a bachelor’s degree at USUE: they take part in student exchange and double-degree programs. Some of them pursue master’s studies, then receive the degrees of candidates and doctors of sciences at USUE postgraduate and doctoral schools.

“We are ready to increase the number of students from Tajikistan,” USUE Rector Yakov Silin said. “The university has a top-rank academic staff and a strong scientific school: we have our own journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission, dissertation councils where graduates both of local universities and from other Russian regions defend their theses. Besides, we are always willing to act as a platform for young people to meet with spiritual mentors and leaders of public opinion - representatives of different peoples and cultures.”

Narzullo Valiev, head of the department of the Tajik State Committee for National Security and head of the government working group, supported the idea of expanding cooperation with USUE and noted that it was the university environment that helps young people adapt to a decent life in society, educates and protects them from the influence of extremist and other antisocial sentiments.

 “We need good specialists, especially in the economic sphere,” Narzullo Valiyev said. “Therefore, we are ready to examine the USUE educational programs and recommend cooperation with you to our educational institutions.”

The meeting was attended by USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work and Youth Policy, Roman Krasnov, and USUE Vice-Rector for Research, Viktor Kovalev. The government group included deputy head of the Migration Service of the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan, Rahmonali Zarobov, Chief of Staff of the Central Executive Committee of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan, Abdurahmon Khonzoda, representative of the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Ural region, Bekhruz Khalikov, and other delegates representing authorities and cultural associations.

The visit of the working group to USUE ended with a meeting with the Tajik diaspora of Yekaterinburg, including university students, - this is already becoming a good tradition .

Cooperation between USUE and universities of Tajikistan will be on the march

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