Common history, common values

USUE Rector, Yakov Silin, and Director of the Center for Cultural Projects and Initiatives “We Are Together,” Svetlana Kulmurzina, completed the procedure for signing a tripartite agreement on cooperation in research, education and upbringing. Earlier, the director of the Friendship Center of the Peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Fluza Gaysina, put her signature under the document.

The parties agreed to work together to form a holistic worldview among students, and provide insight into the culture of the peoples of Russia, and jointly resist harmful addictions, violence, ethnic and social intolerance among the youth. In fact, the agreement merges the relations that have been developing between the participants since 2020.

 “We are responsible for the development of intercultural dialogue in all territories of the Greater Urals,” Yakov Silin says. “The Bashkirs are one of the titular peoples who have lived on these lands for centuries. Acquaintance with their traditions and culture will spiritually enrich our students. They will understand that our peoples have common history and common values. Time will pass and students will tell their children about it. Thus, everyone contributes to strengthening peace and harmony in our country.”

 As per the agreement, the university plans to integrate the components of spiritual and moral education and upbringing into its educational programs, conduct training of guides for historical and cultural centers, organize joint seminars, master classes, competitions and discussions on reviving national traditions of education and upbringing. In its turn, the Center “We Are Together” and the Friendship Center will assist USUE students in organizing and holding historical and patriotic events.

Director of the USUE Extended Education Institute, Elina Zakirova, noted that today the university already offers an advanced training program for museum interpreters and tour guides. Using these best practices, students and representatives of national cultural organizations could jointly develop new tourist routes, apply for grants, and develop industrial and educational tourism in the Greater Urals.

USUE signed a tripartite agreement on cooperation in research, education and upbringing  

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