«Vacancies Conveyor»: employment over a cup of coffee

The second half of June is a traditional time when students of Ural State University of Economics defend diplomas and outline first steps in their future career.

This year, especially for graduates in the period of diploma defending, the University hosted the "Vacancies Conveyor”, where students in an informal atmosphere could communicate with future employers. Besides communicating with students over a cup of coffee, employers were directly involved in the defense of diplomas. During the functioning of ”Vacancies Conveyor”, it was attended by representatives of such large organizations as SIMA-land, Dom.ru, and many other core businesses. They actively selected newly qualified specialists in the fields of economics, trade, law, and management.

Ekaterina Zaykova, lead HR Manager at International Business Department of SIMA-land, "We expect that our company will join active, promising young men and women who wish to pursue professional passions. The graduates we talked to are very good. We will wait for them after receiving diplomas to consider the direction of further cooperation." In addition, Ekaterina noted that the graduates look for an interesting work, opportunities for development and gaining experience rather than high salaries.

For two days of "Vacancies Conveyor", a mobile point of the Employment Fund was functioning for students of our University which along with the USUE internal services helped students find a job.

According to the head of the USUE Department for Interaction with Employers and HR Development Elena Ovsyannikova, in the days of awarding diplomas, USUE will run an interactive job fair that graduates will be able to attend together with their parents.

We would like to remind that according to Delovoy Kvartal magazine, for the third year USUE tops the list of universities, which graduates receive the highest salaries in the region.

We hope that all participants of the "Vacancies Conveyor" have enjoyed the communication and learned a lot, and we wish our graduates successful employment.

The second half of June is a traditional time when students of Ural State University of Economics defend diplomas and outline first steps in their future career.

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