The USGE and MZiK signed an agreement on the creation of a specialized chair

July 11, in the framework of the International Trade Fair "INNOPROM" held at Yekaterinburg-Expo, in the presence of Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev Ural State University of Economics and Kalinin Machine-building Plant (MZiK) signed an agreement.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin and CEO of Machine-Building Plant Nikolay Klein signed the agreement on the establishment of a specialized department "Economics and Management at Enterprise” at USUE. The new specialized department will follow a production-oriented educational process, develop program of continuing professional education for the Kalinin plant. The cooperation between the University and the plant is expected not only in educational but also in research and experimental activities.

According to Nikolay Klein, the specialized department will be a universal platform for joint development, "From the university we need “young blood”, we need competent specialists to come to the plant. Now there are a lot of young people who are hired at the plant having minimal skills. To solve this problem, one must share experience. We have serious achievements in the field of economics; the plant employs high- skilled specialists. The plant has many opportunities for interaction with the University: facilities, specialists who deliver lectures. I believe that we will find the best options for cooperation."

"It is important for our teachers to understand the processes that are currently taking place at real production. I think that students have to write their term papers and theses involving practitioners. This will allow them to have a good idea of what employers expect from universities graduates. I would like to note that we chose MZiK for good reason: it is a plant with unique traditions," Yakov Silin said.

On that day, Yakov Silin participated in several events at the booth of Yekaterinburg Administration: the meeting of the Coordinating Board for Investment and roundtable "High-Speed Highways as a Driver of Socio-Economic Development of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk Region."

July 11, in the framework of the International Trade Fair "INNOPROM" held at Yekaterinburg-Expo, in the presence of Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev Ural State University of Economics and Kalinin Machine-building Plant (MZiK) signed an agreement.

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