A copy of the Victory Banner was deposited with USUE

June 22, 2017, on the day of the 76th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a copy of the Victory Banner was deposited for safe-keeping with Ural State University of Economics by the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of veterans of war, labor, combat operations, public service, and pensioners.

The original Victory Banner is kept in perpetual storage in the Central Museum of the Russian Armed Forces, where all the climatic conditions for its preservation are maintained. In total, nine copies of the banner were made - according to the number of divisions included in the first-attack army of the Belarusian front.

The solemn transfer ceremony, which took place in the University, gathered schoolchildren-participants of the Eurasian session of high school students, USUE students and employees. In his welcoming remarks, the Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin noted that the transfer of a copy of the Banner is a landmark event, filled with a deep, strong patriotic sense.

The Chair of the Council of the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of veterans of war, labor, military operations, civil service, and pensioners, Honorary Citizen of the Sverdlovsk region, retired Major General Yuri Sudakov addressed young people: «Today we have gathered here thanks to the millions of deceased people who sacrificed their lives in battles, died of wounds, cold and hunger. As for today in the Sverdlovsk region, there are less than three thousand veterans, participants of war, and home front workers. Do memorize every their word, because they are very shy to share their memories. I hope that you will never experience these horrors. Respect yourself, your parents, and teachers, love your small motherland! You have only one Motherland, as you have only one mother. You will always continue the traditions that our fathers and grandfathers laid down.»

On the day of memory and grief, it was Yuri Sudakov who read out the order to transfer the copy of the Banner and handed to Yakov Silin this important historical artifact.

Yakov Silin promised to save a copy of the Banner, «This copy of the Victory Banner will be kept in our museum, and on special occasions for our university and on national holidays, we will take it out. I would like to note that the first three rectors of the University were veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Many employees and teachers went through that war.»

A participant of the ceremony of transferring the Banner was Mikhail Pyatkov, a university employee and a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Before the transfer, he instructed all those present: «Too much blood is shed for this banner. Blood ran, mothers wept. This banner will remind those who will study at our University of the past events.»

The last link in the transfer of the Victory Banner was the commissioner of the USUE student search group "Honor and Memory" Viktoria Spiridonova. She noted that it was a great honor to hold the Banner in her hands. 

Since June 22, 2017, one of the copies of the Victory Banner is stored in the Museum of Ural State University of Economics.

June 22, 2017, on the day of the 76th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a copy of the Victory Banner was deposited for safe-keeping with Ural State University of Economics by the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of veterans of war, labor, combat operations, public service, and pensioners.

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