Beefing-up the staff of the University

In order to beef-up the teaching staff of the University, for the second year, the University has been carrying out systematic work to stimulate high-quality research and pedagogical activities at the University.

The University management and Academic Council developed and implemented a number of documents: a scoring rating system, an efficient contract, and requirements for the minimum volume of publications (scientific and pedagogical). This allows any teacher (especially young ones) to determine their own prospects. You just need to wish and be active. "A rolling stone gathers no moss". The University needs skilled teachers!

In the words of the director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies, chair of the Department of Labor Economics and HR Management Alexander Kokovikhin, Ph.D. , the requirements of the RF Ministry of Education and Science to the number of candidates and doctors of sciences in the teaching staff have not changed over the past five years.

"For young scientists, the best conditions for the preparation of dissertations among the universities of the Urals are created. In addition, the University has a system of grants, as well as an efficient contract. It gives an opportunity for young specialists to earn on an equal ground with their experienced colleagues. To do this, they need to be published in scientific journals and books, and to speak at conferences," Alexander Kokovikhin said.

Many teachers are members of the USUE Council of Young Scientists, whose chair is the associate professor at the Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management Olga Ergunova. She said that the University provides young specialists with good conditions for work and development.

"Only those who do not engage in scientific activities and do not pay due attention to the teaching are leveled down. The efficient contract system implies a scale of scores, which number influences salaries. For example, an article in the journal from the VAK list is rated at 5 scores. The surcharge for just one article is 2000 rubles in each month of the next calendar year, that is 24000 rubles in total for the year. This can be viewed as an investment with a yield of 150% per year," Olga Ergunova commented.

In her words, an efficient contract provides for not only writing articles but also working with students, applying for grants and tenders, participating in conferences and other interesting events. In the end, it is just profitable, just you should not be lazy.

USUE provides an alternative option for obtaining scores under the efficient contract. Even without publishing in scientific journals, you can get more than 40 scores for other indicators: participation in grants, conducting various extra-scientific and educational events with students.

In order to beef-up the teaching staff of the University, for the second year, the University has been carrying out systematic work to stimulate high-quality research and pedagogical activities at the University.

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