Elections of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region

September 10, 2017, the election of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region will take place.  All adults of the Sverdlovsk region can take part in them.  The polling stations will be open from 8:00 to 20:00. 

Please come on the Election Day to your polling station. If you do not know where to vote, you can find your station at uik.ikso.org

If for some reason you cannot vote at the polling station at the place of your residence (it is determined by registration address in the passport), you can do this on the station where you will be on the Election Day.

For this, we need to do three easy steps:

1. Make sure that you have the right to vote. You must be registered in the Sverdlovsk region. Besides, on the voting day, you must be 18 years of age or more.

2. Come and apply.

You will need to have a passport with you and know where you will be on 10 September. You can apply for the territorial or district commission at the place of residence or at the location. Besides, you can also apply in the nearest MFC. Terms of application submission:

  • From July 26 to September 4 to the territorial commission;
  • From July 26 to September 3 to the MFC;
  • From August 30 to September 4 to the precinct commission.

3. On September 10, come to the polling station at your location and vote. 

Bring a passport and a coupon attached to the application. The coupon will have the number of the polling station and its address.

Hot line of the Situation Center: +7 (343) 358-1-777

Skype and e-mail: 3581777@ik66.ru

The Youth Election Commission of the Sverdlovsk region together with the Election Commission of the Sverdlovsk region developed the "Academy of Electoral Technologies" project. The project is supported by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the venue of the event was Ural State University of Economics.

"Academy of Electoral Technologies" is an educational project, which will prepare participants for elections and referendums held in the Sverdlovsk region. It is expected that as a result of professional training for 300 attendees (August 19, 2017, module 1 was launched – for observers; module 2 is planned – for candidates, proxies, representatives of the candidate; module 3- for members of election commissions with decisive voting rights) all its participants after passing the qualification exam, will receive certificates of observers and job referrals on a single voting day.

The "Academy of Electoral Technologies" project at the All-Russian Forum "The Territory of Meanings" in the Vladimir region, received a grant of 100,000 rubles. Within the team of the Youth Election Commission of the Sverdlovsk region Yana Sikorskaya, acting director of the USUE Department for Youth Policy, worked on this project.

September 10, 2017, the election of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region will take place. All adults of the Sverdlovsk region can take part in them. The polling stations will be open from 8:00 to 20:00.

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