In connection with the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection and following the order of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education, USUE switches to training under adjusted schedules using distance learning technologies and e-learning.
Remote interaction technologies for students and teachers have long been successfully implemented at the University. Therefore, the transition to training using distance educational technologies and e-learning will not cause any special difficulties.

The directors of the University’s institutes met with students and answered the most pressing questions about online training.
Dmitry Karkh, USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training had previously explained that the educational process would be organized using the electronic information and educational environment of the University and https: //e-learning.usue. com /, and online events would be provided by Microsoft Teams software in Office 365.   
Students will study using electronic educational resources, online university courses, as well as other open educational online courses recommended by teachers. Classes will be held in full per approved schedule.

In connection with the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection and following the order of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education, USUE switches to training under adjusted schedules using distance learning technologies and e-learning.

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