Eleven USUE students will receive scholarships of Sverdlovsk Oblast Governor

One of the students of Ural State University of Economics took the fifth position in the general ranking of universities. The selection of candidates for scholarships passed among postgraduates and students who have no academic failure and get high grades.

The Contest Committee evaluated applicants according to the following criteria:

  1. Achievements (winners and / or medalists of the Olympiads, competitions, championships).
  2. Participation in conferences, forums, seminars (international, all-Russian and regional).
  3. Participation in experimental activities (R&D, experimental designing).
  4. Investigations presented in research projects or publications.
  5. Implemented scientific developments (acts of introduction, patents, and certificates).

According to the USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergei Rogozhin, 11 out of 16 applications for a scholarship of Sverdlovsk Region Governor submitted by Ural State University of Economics have been admitted.

In the overall ranking among universities, Gregory Vorobets took fifth place with 255 points. «My areas of expertise is related to the problems of preserving the historical cultural heritage, development of regional tourism, and promotion of the idea of quality improvement at the Ural enterprises, and the quality of life in general. In the course of my scientific work, I came to the conclusion that the worldwide fame of Ural bladesmiths is based on the unique quality of their blades. This has determined the choice of my current university specialty — «Quality Management», the student told.

Gregory Vorobets presented works at conferences, forums, and competitions at all levels. The results of the student’s scientific activity were awarded with the Sverdlovsk Oblast Governor’s and Presidential Prizes.

The following USUE students will receive Governor’s scholarships:
1. Elizavetah Karelina (Institute of Finance and Law)
2. Yevgeny Ivanov (Institute of Management and Information Technologies)
3. Artem Kudasov (Institute of Management and Information Technologies)
4. Anastasia Smirnova (Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service)
5. Ekaterina Yakovina (Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service)
6. Anastasia Abdrakhmanova (Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service)
7. Gregory Vorobets (Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service)
8. Anton Nazarov (Department for Master Courses)
9. Svetlana Ogolikhina (Department for Master Courses}
10. Anastasia Pyatova (Department for Master Courses)
11. Ksenia Lykova (Department for Master Courses).

The Governor’s scholarship is an assessment of the efforts and work of students and postgraduates and their research, which results are put into practice at enterprises and organizations of the region.

One of the students of Ural State University of Economics took the fifth position in the general ranking of universities. The selection of candidates for scholarships passed among postgraduates and students who have no academic failure and get high grades.

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