They have earned this red-letter day!

The graduation ceremony at the USUE Institute of Finance and Law began to the accompaniment of Gaudeamus hymn and a thunderous ovation.

The graduates applauded their friends, parents, teachers, employers, and partners of the Institute of Finance and Law, who, due to the restrictive measures related to the epidemiological situation, could not come to the celebration, but were invisibly present in the hall.


USUE Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods, and Quality of Training Dmitry Karkh wished the graduates to make the right professional choice, to keep student friendship, love, and respect for teachers and everyone who expedited this holiday!
“All these years you have been building your educational trajectories, gaining knowledge, and defending your theses. Today, you have great opportunities to choose your life journey. You have earned this red-letter day!" he stressed.

Congratulating the students, Maxim Maramygin, director of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law, emphasized the significance of the hour for those who reached the final.

Addressing yesterday's students, he said, “You are entering a great professional life; you will build your career. Be happy both in the professional activity you are going to do and in your families!" 

Alla Matveeva, director of the USUE Institute of Master’s Courses, offered the graduates not to part with the University in the next two years and continue their studies at the seventh qualification level.

The graduation ceremony at the USUE Institute of Finance and Law began to the accompaniment of Gaudeamus hymn and a thunderous ovation.

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